The Olympic flame was lit in Olympia, Greece, (3/24/08) and now it is on its way to Beijing, with a long torch relay through many countries. These games were held, at least, since 776 BCE and until 394 CE, when the Christian emperor Theodosius banned them as a bad pagan practice! Christianity thought of the human body purely as a functioning machine for survival, not to be idolized in any way. Any pleasure of the flesh was rather sinful.... But, that's another story for later.
Anyway, the Olympic Games were resurrected by Pierre de Coubertin in 1896, held in Athens. Much has changed since the ancient times and since the first modern Olympiad. But, did you know that the (modern) Olympic flame first appeared in the Amsterdam Olympiad of 1928, and the torch relay in the Winter Games of 1936 in Germany? A Dutch Freemason [conspiracy theories, anyone?] lit the flame every day during the games and this custom was established.
You may not know that much of the Peloponnese and the area around ancient Olympia were severely burnt this past summer. The devastation was immense. Many people died when their villages were surrounded by the fire. Actually, much of the country experienced horrible fires last summer. This part of Greece is truly beautiful and (was) very green. I've been to many places on this "island" and I have family connections there. I don't know if I could visit now to see that area devastated; I'd rather not.
I'd like to end this post on a high note. I'm told that the Greek swimming team is in rare form this year and will probably dominate any opponent that dares to challenge them in the water. Here's a picture of the Greek swimmers training.... Intimidating, no? Don't mess with these guys!
A fellow blogger (tmt) is in China and has taken wonderful pictures of the the Water Cube where all sorts of aquatics will take place. Here are some of those nice pix.
click on the picture for more by tmt
i knew the masons were involved somehow ;)
China's watercube seems impressive. i like seeing something interesting instead of the square utilitarian boxes we see everywhere.
Do you remember the days of only non-professional athletes were able to compete in the Olympics? What a sham! Especially considering the eastern-bloc countries that had professional athletes...
I think the Olympics is a huge business, and even though it's nice to see great athletes compete, I've lost interest in the event.
I know the fires in Greece last summer were perhaps unprecedented, but every year similar fires happen.
I think every village should have volunteer firefighters like we have in the US. So, instead of people looking at the fire advancing they'd know exactly what to do.
Protecting one's village & own property should be a good incentive. The state could provide the equipment and the training.
nice pictures from china.
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