People travel for various reasons, but when you travel for leisure what do you like to do? Obviously, the time available determines a lot, but, say you end up in a foreign land with a week's worth of free time. What do yo do?
I'll tell you what I'd do. First, I'd get a nice, clean and safe hotel. Nothing fancy as I won't be spending much time there. Then I'd go out, from very early in the morning until very late at night. I'd want to catch a sunrise, I'd want to mingle with the people, smell & taste their food, listen to their music, have a siesta, drink their wine (or beer), watch a sunset, go out to dinner where the locals go, and peer into the night sky from that perspective in the
universe. Notice that I didn't' mention shopping. I have nothing against this activity, and if I happen to see something interesting, I'd buy it. Yet, I wouldn't travel to or spend my precious time in a shoppingland.
I usually don't like travelling for leisure with more than one more person. It just gets too complicated as people have different priorities, levels of energies, interests, and whatever else. I'd rather go alone to get the experience I want. It works better for me this way. As a matter of fact, I'd prefer having a nice time in my backyard [well the park nearby] than going off to a place where I wouldn't be able to experience it my way. Selfish? Maybe. But, I don't want to say I've been to ________ [insert place here] just to impress people. I mean, I have friends who have gone to nice places but spent most of their time i
n a hotel, or shopping [mind you, not in ani nteresting bazaar but in a mall], and eating American food overseas.
I think that the way we travel perhaps reflects upon our personality, which is rather true for most things we do on our free volition. We are who we are and sooner or later our true self comes out. By the way, I'm not at all suggesting one way (or my way) is better th
an anybody else's. It is after all a personal experience. It's like drinking coffee or seasoning your food.
Speaking of food, do you make an effort to try the local cuisine? I'm adventurous and I have a wide range but I admit I couldn't normally eat certain food. On the other hand, I like octopus on the grill--something that's probably utterly disgusting to many persons.
Humans began to travel out of Africa some 50,000 to 75,000 years ago. Within a few thousands of years, they've reached the continents. Yet, if you exclude the few nomadic tribes--especially the marauding tribes that came out
of middle Asia--humans didn't travel all that much until the Industrial revolution. Most were born, raised, and died (very short life spans) within a few miles radius. Isolation and no news was the norm. Change didn't take place for generations, and if it did it was rather by accident.

Anyway, what kind of memories do you bring back from your travels? Do you need pictures to reinforce those memories? May ask, what kind of pictures do you take while on vacation?
These pictures here are random, not from one place. I took them a few years ago. If you click on them, they should open bigger in a new window.
Happy trails to all. Isn't life but a journey?
I take precious moments with me when I travel for pleasure. The pictures are good reminders, but I don't travel in order to impress others or show them pictures.
Also, I avoid taking thousands of pix of myself and those with me posing ad nauseum
I've had some good travels. Funny thing, sometimes it took me a while to realize what I had experienced. Does it make any sense to you?
I don't know, maybe we want to go back and relive portions of the past. What I'm saying is that I've been to places when I said, OK this is no big deal, only to look back after a few years and say, boy, that was a great trip.
I had to think about that. There were a few occasions that I didn't appreciate the experience as much as I should. Later, I revised my take...
Let me put it in concrete terms [is this blog turning into a confessional?]
Many years ago, I was on a beautiful island with my girlfriend (soon to be ex) and we had a serious fallout. At that point, it was really bad and it overwhelmed the whole experience. Now looking back, having gotten over that particular event, I do say the happy memories were much bigger and have outlasted the bad ones.
This is the same with life itself I believe. When you're in the throes of a heated moment or a situation you may lose the bigger picture. As we live on, we certainly revise.... maybe, we do choose to pick up those nice pebbles we find on a beach and forget about the ones covered with tar!
I wasn't a big fan of taking pictures. Maybe it was the bulkiness of the cameras or that others had cameras to take & share pictures.
But, now I have a digital camera and I like the instant gratification. I can see right away what kind of picture I just took.
Maybe I'm getting hooked, because there's no concern I'll run out of film.
One recommendation is to buy a camera with at least a 2.5 screen in the back so you can see the pictures you take right away. For most of us, any new digital camera is more than we need.
Is one of the pictures from the Seattle Library?
Amazing structure.
Yes, I visited Seattle in 2004 and I believe that amazing library had opened not long before that. I took the tour. Really interesting.
It may be unusual for a city to spend for a brand new library and for building something interesting instead of just a utilitarian box.
Check these images here
I think it also depends on the reason you travel. Sometimes, I just want to get away, unplug, and have time for myself. It's impossible to do that when I'm at home-work-home.
So, even for a weekend, a nice hotel (not fancy) somewhere is a welcome break, even if I don't go "out" doing stuff.
Las Vegas, baby! Try it for a long weekend. Hotels are cheap and fancy, and lots of things to do.
Before, you shut me down, let me tell you, I'm not a gambler and I don't care if I gamble at all. But, it's a busy town that must be experienced.
That's my 2cents--or, a dollar (with inflation)... that can also get you a spin in Vegas....
I think digital cameras are making more and more people converts to photography. Easy to take pictures, easy to download, share, save and manipulate them.
who can deny that taking pictures to show others where you've been is a major reason for taking pictures!
i agree though that endless shots of same people is kinda boring but all of us have been through this chore....
hey, that's life!
I like to travel because I want to see different places, and stayin in your hotel doesn't do it. not for me anyways.
even if it's lying on the beach all day... people watchin, getting a tan, sipping a cold drink....
i'm going to my special place now...
life is indeed a journey, if you care to be on one...
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