Saturday, December 19, 2009

Somewhere in the Universe....

Perhaps we needed myths to make sense of the world around us since we knew so little about anything. We are the very lucky ones to live in an age where science has revealed wonders about ourselves and the universe.... and, happily, the process continues.

December seems to be a month that most humans hold ceremonies and celebrate stuff and deities that give meaning to their lives. In this light, I wish everyone a great holiday season. I wish humans transcend their myths & superstition, and to open up their minds to exploration, to a great journey through life without the need to supernatural attributions. I wish for a better world where every person could achieve their own bliss and realize their potential.

Our earth is our only home. Humanity came so close to extinction but we made it so far. We're the only species that has the ability for so much good and so much evil. It should be our choice to support the conditions of the good life and take care of each other and our home.

Happy and healthy season and may the next trip around the sun be one of excitement and personal fulfillment.

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