Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year Friends! Thanks for Visiting. Let's Talk....

photo: holiday scene, New York City [by Gp]

I've been wanting to have a space to post in a more casual way and to have the company of friends, hang out and discuss just about anything. I have my political blog, Liberal Citizen, but that has turned into a serious exercise. Thus, I created the Aesthetics Cafe. I can put here all the things I couldn't get to fit on the other site. I welcome contributions, and--in the event someone wants to post in a more substantial way other than the comments--I could add more hosts. I will also leave the comments section open, and I hope it won't be necessary to edit out any posts in the future. Heck, I'll even allow any other language besides English, as long as there are at least 2 people who could understand it--so there could be a conversation!

Well, I'll keep this first entry short. A new year is upon us. Let's raise our glasses and give cheers!


Anonymous said...

More pictures, OK?

George said...

Of course, that's the idea. I love photography, and I've got thousands saved on my computer. I'll share many of them here.

As a thought right now, I'm willing to post others' pictures too. I'd prefer a little story behind the visual too. Email the hosts.
