Once in a blue moon they say! Well, guess what. The new year will chime in with a blue moon over us! This December we're having a second full moon. It happens every 2.7 years that they are 2 full moons in one month. I'm sure the revelers in Times Square will appreciate the moon glistening over them when they look upwards to see the ball drop during the countdown to the new year. No, I won't be among them.; I haven't gone mad just yet. Though, I have done it a couple times in very distant past--when it didn't really make any sense because they didn't have all those elaborate celebrations they've been employing in the last 15 years.
It's been a long while since I placed any great significance on the changing of the year. I know it's just an arbitrary moment. It'd make more sense to have it on the solstice, on December 21st, or in June. But, this doesn't mean I don't like to celebrate. Any chance to have a good time is welcomed.The picture at the top is from a full moon over Manhattan a couple years ago. The others are from (in order) Times Square, Bryant Park/NYC Public Library, Hudson River by the Bear Mountain bridge, and on a farm by Beacon, NY.
It's almost a tradition (with lapses a few years) that I watch The Snowman, an animation movie around this time of the year... when there's snow outside. I finally found and patched together the video parts. Click the link to see it.
And, this concludes my last post for the year, and, according to some, the last of the decade. See you on the other side....
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Blue Moon Ushers the New Year.
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Holidays and a Beautiful Year Ahead....[that makes more sense to me than, "Auld Lang Syne"]
I've greatly enjoyed Mr. Bean--Rowan Atkinson. I think his xmas bit is hilarious. That's my Season's Greetings card to you. Hope you enjoy it!
May the holiday season be filled with warm feelings and all else you long for. Happy new decade too! [even though it doesn't technically start until next year, but who's counting.... We celebrated the new millennium in 2000, not 2001. I wonder how year Zero was like....]
In this frigid weather, hell seems inviting, so why not this next piece by Atkinson..
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Somewhere in the Universe....
Perhaps we needed myths to make sense of the world around us since we knew so little about anything. We are the very lucky ones to live in an age where science has revealed wonders about ourselves and the universe.... and, happily, the process continues.
December seems to be a month that most humans hold ceremonies and celebrate stuff and deities that give meaning to their lives. In this light, I wish everyone a great holiday season. I wish humans transcend their myths & superstition, and to open up their minds to exploration, to a great journey through life without the need to supernatural attributions. I wish for a better world where every person could achieve their own bliss and realize their potential.
Our earth is our only home. Humanity came so close to extinction but we made it so far. We're the only species that has the ability for so much good and so much evil. It should be our choice to support the conditions of the good life and take care of each other and our home.
Happy and healthy season and may the next trip around the sun be one of excitement and personal fulfillment.
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Labels: For a better world, Magnificent cosmos